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An SS3 Student Build A Prototype Of Bulldozer And A Dump Truck.

Written By Unknown on Saturday 31 August 2013 | 00:14

A sound of a bulldozer woke me up this morning to beheld this SS3 school boy doing exhibition in my neighborhood. I quickly rush downstairs with my Ipad to go have some chat with him. this wannabe Mechanical Engineer master Echezona built a locally made electric engine bulldozer and dump truck. he told me that he is exhibiting his crafts to attract donos that will help him take these to the next level.

Actress Ini Edo steps out with hubby in London

Ini stepped out of her London hotel with husband Philip Ehiagwina for a night out with friends at the famous Doll House Clubs.

Birthday Party Ends In Tragedy As Jealous Girlfriend Baths Her Lover In Hot Water

Written By Unknown on Friday 30 August 2013 | 00:31

A birthday party organised by a student of the Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Niyi Adelana, ended up in tragedy as his girlfriend bathed him with hot water over a minor disagreement.  

The 19-year-old lady simply identified as Yetunde, a National Diploma 1 (NDI) student of Science Laboratory Technology, was said to have lost her temper when her boyfriend invited other ladies to the birthday party. The ugly incident occurred last weekend at Miracle Hall, BHS area in Iree where Yetunde and Adelana reside as off-campus students.  

It was gathered that Adelana, who celebrated his birthday last Saturday, invited some of his friends mostly ladies to his birthday party, a situation that did not go down well with Yetunde.   However, when the party ended, Adelana decided to pacify his lover but met a resistance as she out of anger, reportedly poured hot water on him.  

The agonising scream from Adelana drew the attention of neighbours to the scene of the incident and he was quickly rushed to an undisclosed hospital in the town.  The matter was later reported to the Police who promptly arrested Yetunde alongside her father for interrogation.  

Investigations conducted by The Guardian showed that Adelana received severe burns on his chest, neck and right hand.   According to a source, the victim had shunned Yetunde during the birthday party while attending to other guests but later in the evening, he decided to visit her but the visit turned sour as his lover poured hot water on him out of anger.  

Sadly, when the news of Adelana’s ordeal broke, his ailing father was said to have slumped and died after hearing his son’s predicament.   When contacted for reaction, the Public Relations Officer of the institution, Mr. Tope Abiola said that the incident took place outside the school premises hence the management could not interfere.

He said: “It’s very unfortunate and we sympathise with the victim and his parents. It is a criminal act, the school does not have power over it because the incident happened outside the campus.”

If any lady is so insecure about her man then it is best for her mental help to dump him and remain single as she works on her self confidence. So sad.

Yvonne Jegede is back! Releases hot new photos

Sexy dark skinned Nollywood actress Yvonne Jegede, who left the scene in 2007 to study International Relations in Cyprus is back to the screen. Yvonne, who was one of the chicks in 2face Idibia's African Queen video, has been spotted on movie locations since her return to Nigeria.

Young Shall Grow Motor Boss Escapes Assasination, Escort + Driver

Chief Executive Officer, CEO, of The Young Shall Grow Motors, Chief Vincent Obianodo, narrowly escaped death, Tuesday night, after he was attacked by gunmen in Festac Town, Lagos.However, his driver and a Police escort were shot dead by the gunmen.

Policemen from Area ‘E’ on patrol were said to have swooped on the gunmen and engaged them in a gun battle during which two of the gunmen were killed while others escaped.
Vanguard gathered that Chief Obianodo was returning from work at about 9 p.m. when the gunmen, numbering five, who drove in a Sport Utility Vehicle intercepted him  on  22 Road and opened fire.
Chief Vincent Obianodo
Chief Vincent Obianodo
Other road users who were alarmed by the gunshots hurriedly made u-turns.
His  Police orderly, identified as Ngozi Chijioke, was said to have attempted to match the gunmen fire-for-fire. Unfortunately, he was killed.
Corporal  Chijioke attached to Patrol and Guards of the Lagos State Command  reportedly died on the spot.
One of the bullets from the gunmen was said to have hit Obianodo’s driver in the chest, after a futile attempt to wriggle his way out of the fire line.
Obianodo, on his part, was said to have been hit in the left arm by the gunmen’s bullet before policemen arrived the scene. The bullet was reportedly aimed at his chest but hit  one of his hands.
He was immediately rushed to an undisclosed hospital where the bullet was extracted. According to Police authorities, he is responding to treatment.
Confirming the incident, spokesperson for the Lagos State Police Command, Ngozi Braide, said AK-49 and AK-47 rifles with 400 live ammunition and  10 fully loaded  magazines  abandoned by the fleeing gunmen were recovered at the end of the shoot-out.
However, the attack on Obianodo was widely speculated as  an assassination attempt but Braide said investigation was ongoing. She said efforts were on to arrest the three fleeing gunmen, whose operational vehicle was riddled with bullets.
According to her, “his vehicle was double-crossed in a lonely area around 22 Road in FESTAC town and the assailants opened fire and killed his driver.
“We lost one of our men too. Some policemen who were on patrol heard the sound of the gun and moved to the scene and there was serious exchange of gunfire during which  two of the suspects were killed.
“Their Highlander SUV was perforated with bullets while the other suspects who escaped in it sustained bullet injuries.
“AK-49 and AK-47 rifles with 400 live ammunition and 10 fully loaded magazines were recovered from the suspects.”
She, therefore, appealed to members of the public to avail policemen information on anyone with bullet wounds. She called  on doctors and native doctors to also be at alert.

Stowaway: NCAA to sanction Arik pilot

Five days after the 13 years old boy, Master Daniel Ohikena, who stowed away at the main wheel well of Arik Air flight from Benin airport to the Murtala Muhammed Airport,  MMA, Lagos, indications emerged yesterday that the pilot of the aircraft might be  punished by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, for alleged professional negligence while on duty.

This came as FAAN, introduced new security measures in all the nation’s airports to prevent the re-occurrence of runway incursions, especially those without perimeter fences.

Vanguard gathered that the Director-General of NCAA, Mr. Fola Akinkuotu, had set up a committee to investigate the incident.

It was also gathered that the teenager, at the time of this report, was still being held in the custody of the Department of State Security, DSS, five days after he was arrested at MMA, Lagos.

The committee which was set up, Tuesday, sat up till yesterday probing the stowaway incident and alleged professional negligence of the pilot of the Arik Air’s aircraft.

A  source who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the panel was set up to handle the issue professionally especially when it was confirmed that some passengers onboard alerted the cabin crew of spotting a strange element who passed under the aircraft, but who was not seen coming out of the the plane in Lagos.

Besides, it was confirmed that the cabin crew informed the pilot of the development and rather than handle the issue professionally, he ignored the information even though he contacted the control tower on the issue.

The source alleged that it was already established that the pilot was in a hurry to airlift the passengers to Lagos and airlift other passengers to Abuja Airport same day.

According to the source, “The committee has already established that the pilot didn’t handle the issue professionally because as a professional who was contacted on such danger, the onus was on him to abort the flight and ensure total screening of the aircraft and the pilot, but he didn’t do that. Rather, he wanted to beat the time and pick up passengers in Lagos. That was unprofessional. If he’s found wanting, NCAA will deal with him according to the law in the sector. We need to establish what really happened. That was why the committee was inaugurated by the Director-General.”


A nine-month-old baby locked up in a house by her parents has been reported burnt to death. The girl’s mother was said to have gone to the market to earn a living by plaiting peoples’ hairs at Sapele yam garage while the father was also at work.

The incident occurred at about 7.00pm, Wednesday. The whole building was brought to ruins as neighbours could not put out the fire while men of Sapele Fire Fighting Service arrived late.

It was reported that the grand-father of the infant who was alerted of the incident was later involved in salvaging other parts of the building without knowing that his grand child had been consumed by the fire.


Written By Unknown on Wednesday 28 August 2013 | 05:27


Check Out, Actress Tonto Dikeh's Cute Childhood Photo

Controversial actress/singer, Tonto Dikeh posted her childhood photo on her Instagram page.

Bus Conductor strips self unclad, stabs LASTMA Official

A conductor of a commercial bus identified simply as Ibrahim has been arraigned in a Lagos court for allegedly stabbing an official of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority, Akingbohungbe Olalekan, in the hand.

The driver of a Volkswagen wagon with number plate LAGOS XB 990 AAA, on Wednesday around 3.10pm was obstructing the free flow of traffic by picking and allowing passengers to alight from his bus at an unauthorized place in Ojota area of the state. He was apprehended by Olalekan and another LASTMA official, Alabi Emmanuel, who attempted to impound his vehicle. Olalekan ended up getting stabbed.

whisperNaija.com learnt that Ibrahim and the driver descended on the officials, beat them up and tore their uniforms.It was learnt that Ibrahim later stripped himself unclad and stood in front of the bus. whisperNaija.com correspondent gathered that a team of policemen and traffic enforcement agents later arrived at the scene.
But the driver reportedly fled while the 28-year-old conductor was arrested and arraigned at a special offences tribunal in Alausa on Wednesday.

Family of 3 perish in Makurdi’s mystery fire

An early hour mysterious fire, yesterday, claimed the lives of a man, his wife and four-year-old daughter along the ever busy Katsina-Ala Street, in Makurdi, the Benue State capital.
Terhemba Makaar, a senior official of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, NURTW, and his two family members were roasted in the inferno before help could reach them.

According to the witness, Mrs. Terwase Ormye, who is a neighbour to the victims, “the fire started at about 2 am. We were suddenly woken by shouts of ‘fire’ from the house.

“We heard someone screaming ‘help me! help me! The flame and smoke were too much and  the house had only one door with burglary proof so it became very difficult for anyone to go in and rescue them.

“While some of us were busy pouring water on the building to put out the fire, the few hands available struggled to break a portion of the house when the inferno was still raging.

“Unfortunately, when youths in the area succeeded in breaking into the house, Mrs. Makaar and her four-year-old daughter had already been burnt beyond recognition while their father who though suffered little burns had already been choked to death.

“Their only son, nine-year-old Aondugu Makaar, was rescued and immediately rushed to Saint Theresa Hospital, Makurdi where he is currently receiving treatment and in stable condition.”

I’m Pregnant for My Mother’s New Husband ––Big Girl Opens Up

Nancy’s father died in a ghastly motor accident when she was barely two months old. His photographs were always with her but she never knew him. She prodded her mother endlessly to tell her stories about her father and was never tired hearing the same thing over and again.

Anytime she saw her friends with their fathers, she was sad and longed for that person she
could refer to as a father. Along the line, she gained admission into a polytechnic to study accountancy.

As a first year diploma student of accountancy:
She became really close to Ahmed, a final year HND student of the same department. They were from the same tribe and spoke the same language. Being a fresher who was largely ignorant about her surroundings and the way things worked, she found succour in him, who was only too glad to provide a shoulder for her to lean on.

While Nancy saw in him a guardian, Ahmed saw in her, a prey he couldn’t wait to feast on. He slept with her and deceived her into thinking that he cared very much about her.

Shortly before he graduated, he pledged his undying love for her and she believed him. Unfortunately, whatever existed between them both ended as soon as he left. Try as she could, nothing could be done about restoring their relationship. He had moved on with another woman.

She picked up the pieces of her life and moved on. Not too long after, she met Lawrence, an older student in the same polytechnic.

He was contented remaining her very good friend, offering her succour and advice when needed but Nancy wanted more. She loved his disposition and wanted him for keeps. With time, she won him over and like her previous relationship, it ended same way.

Again, she moved on. By the time she began making plans to start her internship; her mother had found love with a well-known business man, Igwe Albert, who married her as his second wife.

Naturally, Nancy became his step daughter. Igwe ensured that his new wife was happy—he set her up in business, got her a good apartment and a car. He also ensured that his step daughter lacked nothing.

He even urged her to have her internship in the accounts department of his company. Seeing how well she did her job and even helping to reduce his overhead cost, he came to appreciate her and showered her with praises and gifts.

It soon got to a point where she stayed back after most of the workers have closed for the day, balancing the books. On such occasions, Igwe would stay back to keep her company and related with her the way a father would with a daughter.

Nancy appreciated this kind gesture and quickly warmed up to him. She was glad to have found a real father figure at last!

One evening, when they were relating as usual, their discussion soon became raunchy and they had sex in the office! She felt bad that she had betrayed her mother.

“I don’t want you to tell your mother about what happened tonight,” Igwe said and signed a cheque of N2m in her name. She didn’t believe he could be this generous and thought this could be the last intimate moment they would share together.

But it wasn’t. Igwe kept coming for her and so were the gifts and money. Her initial fear was erased. Nancy relaxed and went full throttle with him. Not even the mother suspected anything because she believed her husband was taking care of her daughter.

Three months after, she became pregnant and her mother and the first wife soon found out. But Nancy refused an abortion.

“Mother, do you remember what the prophet you took me to when I was 18 years old said?” Nancy asked her mother. Her mother had taken her to a prophet for prayers when she suffered from a strange ailment and medical help failed. Nancy was prayed for and she got better. The prophet warned her mother that the girl must never have an abortion, if she did, she would die!

“So, you are going to keep the pregnancy and marry my husband?” her mother said despitefully.

“Nancy, the prophecy was five years ago and it was because of your illness. You must go for an abortion.”

Surprisingly, even Igwe sits on the fence about it and told mother and daughter to take the decision they felt was the best for them.

But both Nancy’s mother and his first wife are set for battle. They asked that the pregnancy be terminated.

Note: All names and events are fictitious


President Goodluck Jonathan has sacked the Minister of Youth Development, Inuwa Abdulkadir.
The sack was announced in a statement from the office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Pius Anyim.

17 suspects over N1.7bn Oyo pension fund detained by the EFCC

No fewer than 17 suspects have been detained by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, in connection with the stealing of N1.7 billion meant for the payment of primary school retirees in Oyo State.
Among the key suspects picked up were: Muili Hakeem Aderemi, former Executive Secretary, Oyo State Local Government Pension Board and Iyabo Giwa, former Treasurer, Oyo State Local Government Pension Board.

Others were: Adeshina Jimoh Ayoade, former cashier, Oyo State Local Government Pension Board; Oguntayo Banji, former Internal Auditor, Oyo State Local Government Pension Board and Adebiyi Olasunbo Musendiq, former Admin Officer, Oyo State Local Government Pension Board.

Also in EFCC custody are: Muili Adedamola; Salewa Adedeji; Kareem Rasheed; Johnson Bosede; Adeduntan Johnson; Olomide Olaide; Oyebamiji Akinlolu; Adewale Kehinde; Saka M. Ikeola; Oluokun Funmilayo; Oyetunji Taiwo and Olujimi Philip Adebayo.

Amaechi and six other governors throw new heavy party

Written By Unknown on Sunday 25 August 2013 | 23:32

The crisis in the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, took a turn for the worse, weekend, with the decision of seven of the party’s 23 governors to float a new party, the Voice of the People, VOP.

The application for registration by the new party, it was learnt at the weekend, has been filed with the Independent National Electoral Commission, which is processing it. A source in INEC contacted on the development, yesterday, said he was unable to confirm the veracity or the stage of the application.

The party, it was learnt, is receiving the patronage of several chieftains of the PDP.
The seven governors alleged to be behind the new party include all five Northern governors that have engaged in a series of consultation with eminent statesmen, including former heads of state. The five governors are Murtala Nyako of Adamawa ; Rabiu Kwankwanso of Kano; Aliyu Wamakko of Sokoto; Sule Lamido of Jigawa and Babangida Aliyu of Niger State. The five governors are being joined in the rebellion against the PDP by Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara and Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State.

Another governor is also sympathetic to the proposed VOP, but his identity could not be confirmed as at weekend. The inclinations of Speaker Aminu Waziri Tambuwal towards the new party have also not been confirmed though it was learnt that he has been approached.

The decision of the governors to move out of the PDP came ahead of the special national convention of the PDP this weekend. Governor Amaechi who has been suspended has not been invited to the convention but the decision of the other six to pull out of the PDP could come as a blow to the PDP given the electoral weight of the states involved.

With Sokoto, Kano and Jigawa states out of control of the PDP and the Southwest totally out of control of the ruling party, the PDP would be reduced to playing second fiddle in the Northwest and Southwest regions whose total voters’ population is more than 40% of the national voting population.

There were indications that last Friday’s private meeting between Governor Kwankwaso and President Goodluck Jonathan was a last minute bid to stop the governor and his colleagues from the rebellion.

Wife paid N80,000 to assassinate husband second wife

Did a housewife hire an assassin to kill her rival? Or did the family night guard try to assassinate his master’s wife? These are the knotty questions the police in Ibadan, Oyo State capital are attempting to answer after a suspected hired assassin, Ikechukwu Christopher, was arrested.

The suspect was said to be on his way from Enugu to Ibadan to carry out the assassination when he ran into the police. A locally-made single barrel gun and a woman’s photograph found on him gave him away. He was taken into custody.

Ikechukwu named one Adenola Adeniyi, a former timber contractor, based in Ago Iwoye, Ogun State, as his sponsor. The police went after Adeniyi who, in turn, named one Arowolo Lateef as the person who gave out the assassination job. Assassination fee was put at N80,000.

Dillish Wins Big Brother Africa 2013

Who says uche no dey look face? clearly Uche dey look face, the most beautiful girl in the big brother Africa 2013 competition has been declared the winner, no one sees the voting but yes she beats Nigeria duo of Beverly and Mervin and also Ghana's Elikem amongst others, she goes home with $300K tonight!


The combined team of Kwara State Police Command and Vigilance group in Ilorin, Saturday night, swooped on the hideout of Aiye Confraternity initiation which led to death of three, four critically injured while 18 were arrested.

The cultists from neighbouring states, who were returning from an initiation ceremony were mistaken for robbers by the security operatives.

The  command Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Olufemi Fabode, a Deputy Superintendent of Police, DSP,  confirmed the incident in Ilorin, yesterday.

Fabode explained that prior to the incident, the police had information  that on Saturday night, robbers were hiding in a bush behind NASFAT village along Airport Road, Ilorin preparatory to unleashing terror on the residents of the area.

He said: “This prompted various vigilance groups in the communities around the place to mount sentry on all roads that lead to the bush and waited until early hours of the morning when the Aiye Conferternity completed their initiation.

“Unaware that ambush had been laid for them, they ran into it. The vigilance groups mistook them for robbers and opened fire on them.”

Teenage boy found in Arik aircraft wheel in Benin airport

Arik Air has expressed  shock over  how a teenager at the Benin Airport beat aviation security checks at the city Airport  to stowaway into the main wheel of its aircraft.

The airline said it was becoming increasingly concerned  about incessant security lapses at the nation’s airports

The airline’s spokesman Mr Banjo Ola, said  in a statement :”  The pilot of Arik Air flight W3 544, departing Benin Airport for Lagos at 9.00am today 24thAugust, 2013 reported to the control tower the presence of a strange boy in the bush about 200 – 300 meters  at the end of runway 23.

Man Divorces Wife Over Pregnancy Scam And Occult Practices In Port Harcourt

Mr Timothy McAbel and Ujunwa Esinuolo got married on November 29, 2008, stayed through the years with no kids till sometime late 2011 when she told her husband she was pregnant. Ujunwa has a naturally bulging tommy, so to confirm the truth of the pregnancy, he tried all he could to take her for a pregnancy test which she refused to go, only for her to tell him a few months later after he left for Ghana on business that she went for a scan and confirmed the pregnancy was already
7 months. It was his third week in Ghana when she called him at 11pm to break the news that labour had started; 7 months and 3 weeks? He said to her that it must be premature but she insisted that it was due. He told her to hold on for his friend to come drive her to the hospital, but she refused claiming that her elder sister Lovelyn is with her. He reminded her that Lovelyn can not drive and again she emphasised that Lovelyn is the only one whom she wants to be with. So he left her to her preference waiting for the dynamics of the drama to develop. Later on, her phone and her elder sister's phone went off. He tried to reach them to no avail untill 1a.m at midnight when she called to tell him that she had been put to bed of a baby boy and girl (twins). He asked her which hospital in Port Harcourt she was admitted and she murmured that she was in so much after-labour pains so she couldn't remember which hospital she was. He understood and simply told her to pass her elder sister the phone and guess what, she said that her sister went out to buy something. At 1a.m? He quizzed! After which he told her to give the phone to any nurse she can find with her. She told him all the nurses left her alone in the ward and her phone suddenly went off again. By 6:30a.m, she called him again, this time she told him that the Doctor had discharged her. Essentially, he realized that her phone only came on when she had something new to tell him, and off her phone went yet another round. A woman who claimed to be pregnant, Had just put to bed but without any antenattal record.

He flew back from Ghana very eager to see the twin babies and their mother at home. But to his dismay, he didn`t. He called and found out that she was at her sister's house in Aba claiming that assassins were after her. After he brought them back toPort Harcourt, he discovered it was the Police looking for her over a report at SOS Police station and a letter recieved from RIVERS STATE SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT both accusing her of CHILD TRAFFICKING. She was defenseless . When her friend who filed the report against her narrated with evidence that the kids were bought from two different sources, and that the pregnancy was a scam, then he asked for some time to conduct a personal investigation. After lots of questioning, she refused opening up to the truth or even preferably, take him to where she delivered. Then he noticed almost immediately that she wasn`t breastfeeding her supposed twin babies. She only kept asserting again and again that not all women who give birth bosom feed. At this point, he saw that the only option was to go for a Maternity or a DNA test. That deteriorated into a heated quarrel when she vowed that he won't ever see the money to do any of such. At first, he took it for nothing, but when his businesses suddenly took a decline, His attention immediately shifted from the DNA issue to salvaging his crumbling businesses and failing finances. This continued through a year and seven months to August 16, 2013. Amid failed attempts to revive his finances; he returned to square zero, and then it occured to him that he might have been under some form of evil manipulations. Just then, by a sudden feat of fate, while his bedroom was being rearranged, he found two strange looking bottles under his bed- a bottle of Schnapp with bundle of sticks tied together, and a small squadron bottle with a big cross inside. When he asked her how those bottles got there, the only answer she gave was that she stepped on poison that he did not know about and that she was using the liquid content of those bottles to cure the poison. On Friday August 16, 2013, the jinx on him was broken and he took the twin babies for a DNA test just after she had left for work. By evening, the news got to her and she alerted her family. Next day being saturday, he recieved a threatening text message from a strange number saying: YOU HAVE STARTED A BATTLE YOU WON`T FINISH. He called the number only to discover it was Lovelyn her elder sister. And she verbally repeated the same words she sent in the text message. When he got back home. He found out that JASPER her elder brother had absconded with the supposed twin babies. It became clearer to him that they ran away with those kids for fear the test result will reveal the truth about the kid`s paternity. When he saw the high level of her family's complicity in her evil deeds, he divorced her on August 17, 2013. They have since date remained divorced!

Romania's King Laid To Rest In 'Air Conditioned' Coffin

King Florin Cioaba died of a heart attack while on holiday in Turkey last week. His body was carried in an air-conditioned glass covered coffin down a four mile route in Sibiu, Transylvania.

Constant mobile phone usage and its effect in human brain cell

A Medical Practitioner with Federal Medical Centre, Ekiti, Dr. Kayode Oyebode, on Saturday said that constant use of mobile phones could damage the brain.

Oyebode said this while fielding questions in Osogbo.

He said that the heat generated by cell phone was capable of damaging brain cell.

“The use of mobile phones excessively can cause brain cancer because the composition of the brain tissues is more prone to chemical changes if exposed to radiation.

“Certainly, this radiation from mobile phones adversely affects our nervous system, especially memory. When making call, do not put your mobile closer to your ears,” he warned.

The last days of Boko Haram Leader, Shekau

Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau, may have died a traumatic death.That was the picture security forces painted at the weekend. From the vast forests of Sambisa, Borno State, where he was reportedly shot and sustained injuries in June during a raid on his hideout by military forces, he was said to have been taken to Mali for treatment by the Boko Haram top hierarchy.

In Mali, Sunday Vanguard learnt that Shekau’s situation soon grew worse.
After consultations, the leadership of the Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad, which in Arabic means, “People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet’s Teachings and Jihad”, decided to move their boss to Cameroun.

“It was in Cameroun that the situation got out of hand.

“There, all known medical support that could be provided within acceptable underground limits was mustered.  But that was where he gave up the ghost”, one of the security sources said.
The source added that a recent video recording allegedly released by the sect showing Shekau calling the bluff of the US, Britain and
France and claiming that nobody could stop the group was a smokescreen to paint the picture that he was still alive and in control.

Indeed, the spectre of hopelessness was initially discarded as news which first filtered out of the sect’s camp suggested that Shekau
could actually survive.

To buttress that air of invincibility, the publicized recording had to be released to members of the public.

Sunday Vanguard was told that “if the sect members had had access to modern medical facilities, Shekau may have survived.  But the leadership of Boko Haram was also sure that the military was all out to get Shekau and, therefore, could not risk even a disguised Shekau being taken to an hospital”, a source disclosed.

“In fact as I am talking to you now, we have it on good authority that a close confidant of his (Shekau) who was mandated to follow him and ensure he received proper treatment has been killed by members of the
group for allowing the information of his death to get out”, the source said.

Aside killing the confidant (aide), Sunday Vanguard was made to understand that there was an intelligence report indicating that his followers hurriedly buried his remains, in an attempt to hide the death and paint a picture of invincibility around him so that they would continue to use it to hoodwink sect members.

Sources said the death of Shekau and the likely response of Boko Haram who may be mobilizing to hit back (revenge) through bombings, kidnapping and killing of innocent citizens played a role in the decision of the Federal Government to approve the establishment of a new army division for the North-East, 7 Division, with headquarters in Maiduguri.

Meanwhile, sustained attacks in some parts of the North-East, the latest of which was the massacre of 44 persons in a village in Borno
State, on Friday, believed to have been carried out by Boko Haram, lent credence to the claim that a new leader may be in command of the sect.

Shekau’s deputy in the Boko Haram hierachy, Momodu Bama, was reportedly killed by the Joint Task Force, during an encounter with troops around the Bama corridor on August 4.

Director of Defence Information, Brigadier General Chris Olukolade, in a statement announcing the killing, penultimate week, said Bama had been leading attacks against troops and civilians in the communities of Yobe and Adamawa states.


Written By Unknown on Saturday 24 August 2013 | 23:51

About 24th suspected Boko Haram militants in Magumeri forest, Borno, have turned to human eaters after being stranded for days without food or water in Magumeri forest which is about 150 kilometres from Maiduguri, the state capital.

Mallam Momodu Bukar, a suspected militant, told newsmen on Saturday in Maiduguri that he fled the camp at the forest on Thursday when it became obvious that he was going to be eaten.

“I thank God that I escaped because I would have been slaughtered by now to provide meal for my colleagues at the camp,” Bukar said.

video of peace deal with Boko Haram leaders

The Presidential Committee on Dialogue and Peaceful Resolution of Security Challenges in the North has released a 30 minutes video clip to the public on the peace deal with Boko Haram sect.

The committee made the video clip public at a world press conference at the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Friday.

The Chairman of the committee,  Tanimu Turaki, said the video clip was the aftermath of second peace deal with the highest decision making body of the Boko Haram Islamic fundamentalist group, `The Shura’.

Turaki, who is also the Minister of Special Duties, said the clip, which was shown and distributed to the media, was recorded two weeks ago in Bauchi.

He said it became necessary to prove to Nigerians that, indeed, there had been dialogue between government team and the group.

It will be recalled that the committee two months ago, announced a peace deal with the second-in-command of Boko Haram, a claimed, which the leader of the sect, Abubakar Shekau, denied.

Turaki, who addressed journalists after the video clip was shown, said the Shura had decided to enter into genuine peace negotiations with government.

He said the decision of the sect leadership was based “on the tenets of Islam, the teachings of Prophet Muhammed, and the writings of eminent Islamic scholars and jurists’’.

NAN reports that the video clip showed members of Shura committee seated, while their leader, Muhammd Lawan Dn Sulaiman, read a prepared speech in Arabic and Hausa.

The read speech by Sulaiman which was translated in English Language reads:

“Thank be to Allah the most high who enjoined us to fight enemies and the infidels who also enjoined us to answer the call to dialogue with the infidels and the enemies whenever they request for that.

“Praise also to the Noble Prophet of Allah Muhammad whom peace is upon him and his companions and those who follow them in good faith up to the day of resurrection.

“We are, indeed, surprise with the visit paid to us by a dialogue committee set up by the Federal Government of Nigeria.

“More surprised, the committee met us in prison custody and explained to us reasons for their visit and also asked four fundamental questions.

“ Firstly, is it possible to dialogue and reach peaceful resolution of the conflict between our brothers and the Federal Government who are engaged in fighting?

“Secondly, which way is the dialogue going to follow?  Thirdly, which assistance those of us in detention would give in realisation of that?  Fourthly, what assistance do the detainees need to facilitate the dialogue?


In yet another reprisal attack by insurgents, some gunmen Tuesday night slaughtered no fewer than 44 people at Dumba village on the outskirts of Baga town, in Kukawa Local Government Area of Borno State.

Meanwhile, the Presidential Committee on Dialogue and Peaceful Resolution of the security Challenge in the North yesterday displayed video recording of Shura members of the Boko Haram sect where they called on their field commanders to ceasefire as being proposed by the government, saying that prophet Mohammed sanctions dialogue during Jihad.

Sources told our reporter yesterday that about 50 gunmen stormed Dumba village which is some  kilometers away from Baga and slaughtered 44 people. Many people were also said to have been injured during the attack that lasted for hours.

CAUGHT IN THE ACT: Gay Arrested, Beaten To a Pulp In Ogun State

 The incident happened at 1 Kotodayo in the Iyana-Iyesi area of Ota after Sadiq’s friend, Ibrahim (surname withheld), allegedly raised the alarm declaring that his male organ had disappeared.

According to Ibrahim, who was seen unclad before some men, Sadiq had paid him a visit last night and deep into the night, he began to made love with him.

When P.M.NEWS visited the scene, Ibrahim’s joystick was of normal size, but he was making efforts to make it turgid as a proof that it was fully restored.

Ibrahim, who is also a squatter in the house, alleged that it was the first time Sadiq would be visiting him. Though they have been friends for some time now, Ibrahim said he never knew his friend was gay until last

Sadiq, in a confessional statement to local vigilantes at the scene of the incident, said he has been homosexual for the past three years.

He denied snatching his friend’s male organ, but said he had engaged only men in sex since then and further indicted a prophet whose white garment church is within the community as the one who prepared the concoction with which he engages in the act.

However, the prophet, who was invited by the vigilantes, denied the allegation.
He said he had known Sadiq as one who never chased after women and did not know that the man was gay.
Neighbours said that the owner of the one-room apartment where the incident occurred lives and works in Lagos and only visits the place at weekends.

Sadiq was later whisked away by the vigilantes after much plea to stop beating him was rebuffed by the people of the area.

Nigeria is not in support of gay practice no wonder a bill has been approved setting 14-year-jail term for offenders.

2face Idibia’s Wife Blasts Fan Over Offensive Comment On Daughter Isabella

Few days ago, Tuface Idibia’s wife, Annie Macaulay took to her Instragram page to share her joy with fans.

In the update she shared a photo of herself and her beautiful daughter Isabella Idibia with the caption ” #mylilmisssunshine #besties,”

Recent photo of Annie and her daughter Isabella

Within minutes of posting the above picture, a fan identified as Osita Orih made a not-so-nice comment on the photo.

He said "that mouth of hers I will kiss it one day, I promise her that." @annieidibia1 2 #sunshine.”

The actress and mother of one definitely did not find the statement funny, as she immediately lambasted the fan saying "u r a fool!! get off my page sick man!

Actually, it takes a sick mind to leave such a message for a minor.

Osita Legacy, the man who made the comment

Meanwhile, there have been responses to the tweet by the fan, who many condemned for inciting Annie to go haywire on twitter with her response. Some have called for silence as the best way to treat such comments by some fans, while others believe the fire for fire approach is appropriate.


A wedding in Iraq turned into the stuff of nightmares after one of the guests who was at the party accidentally shot and killed his friend.

The victim was enjoying himself on the dance floor, when a man dancing opposite pulled out a handgun.

He had intended to let the firearm off in the air - a sign of celebration in Iraq - but appeared to pull the trigger too early and shot his friend in the face.

Dead: The man in yellow stands over his friend after accidentally shooting him in the face

The stricken man fell to the floor like a stone.

It took a few moments for the guests to realise what had happened.

But as the horror started to dawn on those around the victim, who only seconds earlier had been happily dancing away, the perpetrator put the gun back in the belt of his trousers and went to the aid of his fallen friend.

The last we see of the victim is him writhing in agony before the video cuts out.

Celebration: The group of young men dance at the wedding moments before tragedy strikes

Lethal shot: This is the moment the reveler who is just out of the picture pulls the gun from his belt and fires

Horror: The guests realise something terrible has happened and clear the dance floor. The gunman in yellow looks on, while a friend of the victim desperately tries to help

Baby found dead inside gutter in Anambra state

A baby was found dead this morning inside a gutter along Upper New Market road axis of Onitsha in Anambra State. A LIBer who lives in the state took the photo and sent it in. The baby was well dressed and dumped there. Incredibly sad.

Man Born With His Heart In His Abdomen

Written By Unknown on Friday 23 August 2013 | 22:29

A man who has lived his entire life with a heart protruding from his abdomen is finally able to walk upright without getting out of breath or turning blue. Huang Rongming, from Henan province in China, underwent life-changing surgery to correct heart a defect and move the organ away from his abdomen and into his ribcage.
He had lived with the rare condition for 24 years until a doctor told him his condition was rapidly deteriorating and that he required urgent surgery.

Congenital heart displacement is incredibly rare and occurs in just five babies out of every million born. Most patients die soon after birth.
Mr Rongming could not afford the procedure that would place his heart in his chest as it should be, but media coverage of his condition enabled him to undergo to life-changing operation.
'It's a dream come true. I'm going to lead a normal life like everyone else,' he told ChinaDaily.
Before surgery, Mr Rongming's heart could clearly be seen pumping underneath a thin layer of skin and bulging out from his upper belly.
When Mr Rongming was born, doctors did not think he would survive, as his protruding heart had defects and was vulnerable to injury. His parents admitted they were anxious when he was a boy and said that he was not allowed to play with other children for fear that he would die.


The Joint Task Force   code-named Operation Pulo Shield has destroyed 48 illegal refinery camps in the Niger Delta in a renewed offensive against crude oil theft in the blighted region.

Also, 40 wooden boats known as ‘Cotonou boats’ used by the oil thieves were destroyed by the operatives of the Special Security Forces who also nabbed five suspects during the operation that lasted from 10-23 August.

Media Coordinator of the Joint Task Force, Lt. Col Onyema Nwachukwu in a statement issued in Yenagoa, also said its operatives deployed at Adamakiri scuttled an attempt by some unscrupulous persons to establish an illegal crude refining camp at Samkiri in Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State.

Lt. Col Nwachukwu said, “in Bayelsa State, troops of 343 Regiment and 5 Battalion of Sector 2 of the JTF deployed to patrol the water ways of Osiegbene Creek in Ekeremor, Brass and Southern Ijaw Local Government Areas have stamped out 42 illegal oil distillery camps and scuttled 25 open wooden boats (Cotonou boats), used by oil thieves along Osiegbene, Yeregbene, Otui Lagosgbene and Oyeregbene communities in the aforementioned Local Government Areas.

”In a separate operation, troops of 3 and 19 Battalions covering the Sector 1 Area of responsibility of the Joint Task Force Operation Pulo Shield have clamped down six illegal refinery sites in Ajudaibo, Ogidigben and Madagho, Escravos in Warri South West Local Government Area of Delta state.

”During the clamp down operation, the troops recovered and scuttled 15 open wooden boats , 33 large tanks, 127 plastic drums and 16 pumping machines used for their illicit trade; 44 dug out pits used by oil thieves to store stolen crude oil were also sealed up”.

”Additionally, the troops intercepted and impounded a 33,000 litre capacity tanker truck loading adulterated petroleum product from an illegal loading point at Obejiughoton in Delta state.”

In Rivers State, he said, amphibious patrol troops   of 146 Battalion of Sector 2 of the JTF Operation Pulo Shield deployed at Adamakiri scuttled an attempt by some unscrupulous persons to establish an illegal crude refining camp at Samkiri in Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State

He said, “acting on intelligence report, the patrol team carried out a cordon and search operation at the community where it uncovered eleven plastic drums containing crude oil floating on the water at Samkiri Creek.

”Investigations revealed that the product was suspected to have been stolen when the Adamakiri tie-in manifold was leaking.

”Items including hoses of various dimensions, a welding gas cylinder with installed pressure gauge, 3 pumping machines and 10 empty drums were recovered from the community.

”The leadership of the community has been urged by the JTF to caution the community youths to desist from illegal activities in the area and engage in lawful activities.
”The patrol team also reported a leakage close to a signpost marker KP-67 located around Pulokiri/Money Ground (between Adamakiri and Creek 6) general area.

Federal Government Pleads on ASUU to call off strike

The NASS and FG made the plea after a meeting with Pro-Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors of public universities in Abuja.

They pleaded that  the FG has made offers and commitment to necessitate the resumption of academic activities in the nation’s public universities.

According to Senate Chairman on Education, Senator Uche Chukwumerije, “The Senate Committee has always sought the required fund for our nation’s universities.

We plead with ASUU for immediate end of the strike.   We want to plead with lecturers to be more sensitive to their  scale of priorities especially in the area of education and timely implementations of agreements. The present ASUU strike must end. It is time  for  the nation to take the bull by the horn”.

Chairman House Committee on Education, Honourable Aminu Suleiman said, “I want to commend all those who have fought for the proper funding of our universities in the country.     The Federal Government have also taken position to identify the needs of all our Federal Polytechnics and Colleges of Education to stop this problem once and for all.

“It is gratifying to know that government has shifted grounds and it is also in our position to passionately appeal to the aggrieved members of ASUU in the interest of the system to also make concession so  that students can resume school”.

He noted, “We always agree to disagree we can always disagree without disrupting the system. We must appreciate that by prolonging this strike we are doing more harm to the system and causing more problems for the country in general.

What government has done is quite in line with the legislative agenda which we set out for ourselves as members of House of Representatives. No sacrifice is too much in ensuring the development of the sector”.

The SGF, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, said the FG has already demonstrated sufficient commitment to the implementation of 2009 FG/ASUU agreement.

He said President Goodluck Jonathan has set N100 billion to develop infrastructure in 61 universities and N30 billion to support the university councils in settling the earned allowances.

First international commercial flight to land in Enugu today, (History Record)

Who will be the first to fly the Enugu international airport?
 All is now set for the arrival of the first international commercial passenger flight at the Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu, today.

The historic flight will be made by the Ethiopian Airlines which will now be the first international carrier to operate from Enugu.

The Enugu State Government has assured that adequate preparations have been made to ensure that the event described as a significant milestone in the economic life of the State and the entire South East, was successfully conducted.

Governor Sullivan Chime and his colleagues from the other states in the region as well as many important dignitaries from within and outside the country, will be on hand to receive the historic flight.
As expected, an atmosphere of excitement and jubilation now pervades Enugu and other States in the South East region as residents eagerly await the arrival of the aircraft.

An Enugu-based billionaire businessman, Prince Engr. Arthur Eze, had on Tuesday flown into the Enugu airport in a private jet direct from Senegal, creating history as the first international flight that touched down at the upgraded airport.

President Goodluck Jonathan gave approval for the upgrading of the Akanu Ibiam Airport to an international status two years ago and laid the foundation for the construction of the international wing early this year.   The project is now on course while other existing structures within the airport including the old terminal complex had been renovated.

The runway was expanded and extended to accommodate bigger passenger and cargo aircrafts that would patronize the airport.
Governor Sullivan Chime and his colleagues from the other states in the region as well as many important dignitaries from within and outside the country, will be on hand to receive the historic flight.
As expected, an atmosphere of excitement and jubilation now pervades Enugu and other States in the South East region as residents eagerly await the arrival of the aircraft.

An Enugu-based billionaire businessman, Prince Engr. Arthur Eze, had on Tuesday flown into the Enugu airport in a private jet direct from Senegal, creating history as the first international flight that touched down at the upgraded airport.

President Goodluck Jonathan gave approval for the upgrading of the Akanu Ibiam Airport to an international status two years ago and laid the foundation for the construction of the international wing early this year.   The project is now on course while other existing structures within the airport including the old terminal complex had been renovated.

The runway was expanded and extended to accommodate bigger passenger and cargo aircrafts that would patronize the airport.

Governor Adams Oshiomhole threatens to sign the death warrant of any convicts found guilty of murder

The Governor of Edo state, Comrade Adams Oshimole has threatened to sign the death warrants of any convict found guilty of murder. Oshiomole was attacked by the media on july 23 when a report revealed that he had ordered the execution of 4 convicts.

Oshiomole who spoke last thursday in Benin stated this;
''There are seven convicts whose cases are being reviewed. I will sign the death warrant of any of them, especially kidnappers, found to have killed any of their victims.

I believe that those who kill by the sword should also die by the sword''

The Governor further stated that the non-execution of convicted criminals in the last 15 to 20 years had not led to reduction in criminality in the state.

Shocking, Newborn Calf Has 8 Legs, 4 Ears, 2 Bodies And One Head

A cow in New Zealand has delivered a deformed calf who has two bodies, four ears, and eight legs on Monday.
A veterinarian of dairy farm, Neil Davy, who delivered the stillborn calf , told the website NZ Farmer that if he hadn't been there, the mother cow would have surely died.
Photo - Deformed Calf In New Zealand Has 8 Legs, 4 Ears, 2 Bodies And One Head (PHOTOS)
(Story continues below)

"It was hard going," Davy told the website, "I was up to my elbows in lube and calf goo, sweat coming off my forehead. It's not nice to see a cow in distress."
Davy told the site that he'd originally thought he was delivering twins. Close enough: identical twins come from one egg that divides, and veterinarian Jonathan Spencer told NZ Farmer that Davy's calf "[seems] like an incomplete divide of an egg."
Photo - Deformed Calf In New Zealand Has 8 Legs, 4 Ears, 2 Bodies And One Head (PHOTOS)
Other odd deformities have been known to occur in cattle.
In 2012, a calf with an extra pair of legs was born in Switzerland. Although vets didn't initially think the six-legged cow had much chance of survival, the calf seemed to be doing just fine at two months old.
In January 2011, a two-headed cow was born in Georgia. The farmer said that the animal ate with both heads.

Actress Uchenna Nnanna releases new promo photos

As I always said, ladies and photo are inseparable. Hmm, see stunning brand new photos from actress and movie producer, Uchenna Nnanna.

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