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Family of 3 perish in Makurdi’s mystery fire

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 28 August 2013 | 05:08

An early hour mysterious fire, yesterday, claimed the lives of a man, his wife and four-year-old daughter along the ever busy Katsina-Ala Street, in Makurdi, the Benue State capital.
Terhemba Makaar, a senior official of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, NURTW, and his two family members were roasted in the inferno before help could reach them.

According to the witness, Mrs. Terwase Ormye, who is a neighbour to the victims, “the fire started at about 2 am. We were suddenly woken by shouts of ‘fire’ from the house.

“We heard someone screaming ‘help me! help me! The flame and smoke were too much and  the house had only one door with burglary proof so it became very difficult for anyone to go in and rescue them.

“While some of us were busy pouring water on the building to put out the fire, the few hands available struggled to break a portion of the house when the inferno was still raging.

“Unfortunately, when youths in the area succeeded in breaking into the house, Mrs. Makaar and her four-year-old daughter had already been burnt beyond recognition while their father who though suffered little burns had already been choked to death.

“Their only son, nine-year-old Aondugu Makaar, was rescued and immediately rushed to Saint Theresa Hospital, Makurdi where he is currently receiving treatment and in stable condition.”

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